a quick code snippet

Map Object to select component instead of nested ternaries

As times we might need to render out one of several components based on state or something the user is doing. You definitely don't want to write something like this:

   currentState === states.BEGIN ? (
      <BeginApplication />
   ) : currentState === states.REVIEW ? (
      <ReviewApplication />
   ) : currentState === states.UPLOAD ? (
      <UploadApplication />
   ) : null

With only three states this is already hard to read and parse. Instead we can create a map object using the state as the key and the component to render as the value. This is cleaner and easier to read.

const stateToComponents = {
   [states.BEGIN] = BeginApplication
   [states.REVIEW] = ReviewApplication,
   [states.UPLOAD] = UploadApplication
